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A little bit about the team and Platform Printing Australia

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What we want to do

We want to help you create the most amazing and unique tiny worlds you can!

How will we do this for you?

We hope to achieve this by drawing on a passion for 3D design techniques developed during work at Queensland University of Technology in the early 2000’s and an interest in the evolution of 3D printing technology. From here, Platform Printing Australia hopes to bring together years of experience across various industries to bring you the best, tiniest and most unique models for what ever creative area you're into!

What will we do for you?

While our skills and outputs were initially geared towards Australian themed and custom models for local model railway enthusiasts, this has now grown to touch a variety of interests and industries. If you can't find what you need in our store, we can custom design anything to meet your specifications. Nothing is impossible for us; we've played in many spaces from miniature worlds to jewellery, medical equipment to black powder rocketry and everything in between! We always want to find new and creative ways to put this incredible technology to use in making something beautiful - so tell us what you need and we'll make it happen!

How far will we go?

Based on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Platform Printing Australia has grown from a single desktop printer to a full working design and printing studio with a number of printers encompassing a wide range of printing technology and materials to ensure we can produce whatever you can dream up! We are always trying to grow and increase our tools and capabilities to ensure we are able to keep exploring and creating. We want to come on your creative journey and help you create something amazing!

How are we reducing the impacts on the environment?

Operating out of the beautiful Sunshine Coast, we aim to minimise the impact we have on our home. In early 2020 we started moving away from traditional resins and on to biodegradable plant based resins, made entirely from soybean oils. We collect and recycle any excess plastics and ensure all materials are disposed of ethically. During mid 2020 we also custom designed and printed reusable equipment to reduce the reliance on consumable and disposable items that would have otherwise ended up in landfill. We are always looking for ways to minimise our waste and the impact our work has on the environment.

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